A certain somebody who shall remain nameless, recently told me that my Blog posts, “although sporadically diverting” were “WAY TOO LONG!!!” She—I mean, he or she—went on to add “ not everybody cares about every little thought that pops into your head. Most of us have REAL lives and REAL jobs, and simply don’t have time to indulge the ego of a self-absorbed, self-obsessed, sheet-stealer by reading his stupid Blog. And for the love of Pete, will you please pick up some toothpaste, like you said you would!?”
Sadly, the world has its haters. It’s disappointing that in this time of hope and reinvigoration, when we all need to come together and support President Obama, some people still feel the need to destroy that which is beautiful. I guess some people just aren’t very good at floor hockey, and are jealous of those of us who have a natural gift for it, and that their frustration and self-loathing comes out in all sorts of nasty and pernicious ways. Although I cry for these lost souls, I also pray for them, for I am built of light and will not let the haters of this world prevail, for that would be unfair to the children, who are the future.