Tag: Celebrities
Going to the Shopper’s Drug Mart
This morning I rode my bike down to the Shopper’s Drug Mart at the corner of Bloor and Walmer.
Taking the subway in Toronto
On the subway the other day I stood up to offer an older woman–but not really that much older than me– my seat.
Riding Horses Near Owen Sound
The horse that they gave me was named Grace and she was unkind and bossy, like that aunt who never got married because she wanted to focus on her career.
Going to the Eastern Market in Detroit
While in Detroit Rachelle and I stopped in for lunch at a place called Zeff’s Coney Island Restaurant.
k.d. Lang at MotorCity Casino in Detroit
On the weekend, Rachelle and I were in Detroit to see k.d. Lang perform at the MotorCity Casino.
Letters from Toronto Mayor Rob Ford
Rob Ford, the Mayor of Toronto, is a garden variety Conservative.
The Meaning of National Anthems
One of the pleasing eccentricities of the Olympics is that it gives us the rare opportunity to hear a multitude of national anthems.