Tag: TTC
Conversation with politician Adam Vaughan
Earlier in the day, former Toronto City Councillor Adam Vaughan, who is currently running to be a Federal Member of Parliament for the Liberal party, rang my doorbell.
Rebrand for Toronto’s Bixi Bikes
Toronto’s bike sharing program– formerly known as Bixi– was characterized by massive, clunky black bikes that exhausted looking tourists– hoping for a whimsical zip through the downtown of the city– could be seen walking along the side of the road.
Matchmaking on car 5021 heading west on the Bloor line.
It was near rush hour and the subway car was pretty close to full. Standing near to me were a man and a woman. They were so close together that their faces were just inches apart, their bodies merely one breath from touching.
Taking the Bloor Subway East
Heading east on the Bloor subway line a woman is hunched over reading a paperback copy of Pride and Prejudice.