Tag: University
Rob Ford Writes
As many of you know, Rob Ford, former mayor of Toronto, and I were enrolled at Carleton University in Ottawa at the same time back in the 80’s and early 90’s.
David Letterman: The Smartest Guy in the Room
On Thursday David Letterman announced that he was going to be retiring from The Late Show at some point next year.
What Hockey Means To People
The NHL hockey season has started, and so I went about asking some random people what their most immediate, vivid association with the game was.
Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia
On the ferry from PEI to Nova Scotia there was a short man with the Boston Bruins logo tattooed on the back of his calf.
Looking out my front window
While sitting at my desk and looking out the window I saw a young woman in a pink skirt and a black top passing by on the sidewalk.
St. Laurent Boulevard in Montreal on a Friday night
It might be that every 20 year old in the world is beautiful, but somehow Montreal amplifies this.