Category: Blog
Jones morning
Rachelle and I are sitting on the sofa. The winter not yet over. We’ve passed through some pretty rough weather, and know there will be more to come. But right now there is a pause, and we sit within it like sketches of ourselves– ghosts. But Jones doesn’t see this. He sees only the forms…
Jones runs into the bedroom. He’s wearing Spiderman pajama’s and has a Batman action figure in his hand. His eyes are wide. He has important news. “Batman ate Lizard Man! Batman ate Lizard Man!!” “Really?” I ask. “Yes. He ate him.” “Wow. That’s really out of character, that’s not like Batman at all.” (In an…
I am standing outside after a winter illness. I look around and see my neighbour sitting on his stoop smoking a cigarette. A single man near 60. He was the victim of a hit and run about a month ago. He was following all the rules, doing everything right, but it simply did not matter.…
The snow is falling thick and beautiful. Feel it touch your face and dissolve. Become a part of you. How many eternities, how many worlds before that flake touched you? It was meant for you. And now you are young again, and you just know you are about to discover something beautiful.
Generation X
The Shittiest Generation The other day a friend and I went to see the movie 1917. It’s an Oscar favourite, this film, a unique technical achievement, and straight forward exposition of virtue amidst the chaos of war. Uniquely though, it’s one devoid of politics, and the engine that drives the story is not the unhappy…
January in Toronto. Days the colour of concrete. They seem to encircle you, these days. I am up early for an appointment and am standing on the sidewalk waiting for my ride. The day is just now lightening, and two squirrels chase one another on the street before me. It seems more than playful, it…
The walk back from school is slow transit. More so, when there is snow. For Jones, it’s like some sort of magical Play-Doh has blanketed the city. He throws himself into snowbanks. Lies there like a soldier waiting to take a hill. Tumbles off and into a neighbouring yard, makes a snow angel. Stomps on…
Heidi Blog
Today I have given The Blog over to Heidi, our Miniature Dachshund: **************************************************** Know Paw Patrol? It really big deal. Cartoon for two-legged pups. Make billions of treats and bones for bloated two-leggers who exploit worker dogs. They assholes. Heidi bite every one of them in most vulnerable spot. Heidi imagine so much blood. So…