Ford Advice

The other day, Toronto Mayoral candidate Doug Ford was asked about some slur against the Jewish community his brother Rob had previously made while serving as mayor. Doug responded by saying he understood the Jewish community because he has a “Jewish doctor, a Jewish dentist and a Jewish lawyer.”

jewish doc

This was greeted by jeers and laughter from the crowd, and pretty much immediately, John Tory, Ford’s primary opponent, issued a statement accusing him of using “the classic refuge of racists, anti-Semites and homophobes” when he said this.

The next day, Doug tried to clarify his remarks:

“Matter of fact, my wife is Jewish. Her mother is Jewish. And they have to come after me? You got to be joking. My wife was furious last night at John Tory’s statement. It’s disgusting.”

But as it turns out, the Fords are a well—known family of evangelical Christians, including Ford’s wife, Karla.

doug and karla ford

As I used to drink with Rob Ford back at Carleton University in Ottawa, I am considered a trusted member of the Ford inner circle, and was asked by Doug to come in and consult on the election, offering some advice on the campaign and how best to deal with the sensitive matter of race relations.

These are some of the thoughts that I shared with Doug:


Come out swinging against ISIS!!

Paint your opponents as people who are weak on beheadings, and then in classic Doug Ford mode, intimidation level set to 11, issue a challenge to ISIS to just come and try to behead you. You let them know that if they want a war with Ford Nation, then they can have it! The Jewish community will love you for it! (From this point forward, the War Against Isis will be a primary plank in your election campaign.)

isis executioner

Exposing your neck for the cameras, ask, “Is John Tory willing to put his neck on the line for you?”

Demand to know if John Tory looked at any of the stolen celebrity sex pictures. When he denies that he did, in a mocking voice, ask, “ What? You don’t want to see Jessica Simpson naked, what’s the matter with you?”


You must then imply that you have evidence that he has indeed looked at the photographs, and that he is a sex criminal and a liar. Say it “disgusts” you, as the public loves when you do that, and then challenge John Tory to a boxing match for charity, perhaps to create a fund to keep West Africans who might have Ebola out of Toronto. When he says, no, say, “Geez, you’ve spent so much money on cosmetic surgery that I keep forgetting how very, very old you are. ”

Do not use the expression CHINGLISH when referencing Toronto’s Asian community.

Make note that the Asians are more than just a people who work like dogs, but also have a great love of gambling, and that as a businessman, you applaud both their willingness to take risks and to work hard. Let them know that you would gladly fight by their side against ISIS.

asian horde