Jones smiles when I wake him up this morning.
He seems cloud happy, like he’s still inhabiting the thin place between realms and is just now returning to this world and its ways.
I ask him how he is.
He blinks his eyes and then focuses them, as if reorienting himself to his mortal body. I can see his energy rising to the surface. Not two seconds into the day and he is already excited.
“My body is tired but my brain wants to jump and my hands want to open the fridge and eat the grapes and my feet want to kick in the water.”
You are so many things when you are four.
Standing beside me now, Star, his Teddy Bear, in his hand, his countenance changes. It’s as if he’s had some time to think a bit and now there is something that needs to be said. I look at him. He looks back, a grown-up expression on his face.
“ I have many powers. My powers are colourful. This power is yellow.”
And then, small before me, he begins to dance.
Everything becomes the sun. And we’re two small creatures within its vast yellow halo, the new day upon us.