Tag: Education
A Partial Syllabus from Trump University
Last month New York’s attorney general sued Donald Trump for $40 million, claiming that Trump University was engaged in deception at every level of the educational experience it offered to it’s students.
Getting high with Justin Trudeau back in the day
Growing up in Ottawa I used to occasionally see Justin Trudeau at parties and later, as we both attended McGill University at roughly the same time, I’d see him in Montreal, which is all to say that I’ve been high with him.
Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia
On the ferry from PEI to Nova Scotia there was a short man with the Boston Bruins logo tattooed on the back of his calf.
Bitter Writer Advice Column #2
Dear Bitter Writer: I’m a big fan of the Proust Questionnaire that runs in Vanity Fair each month, and I was wondering if you’d answer one of the questions for me. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Looking out my front window
While sitting at my desk and looking out the window I saw a young woman in a pink skirt and a black top passing by on the sidewalk.