Tag: Sports
Christie Pits
On Sunday I went to Christie Pits to watch the semi-pro Toronto Maple Leafs take on the Hamilton Cardinals in an Intercounty League game of baseball.
Rob Ford’s Rehab Journal
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is reported to be in rehab at a facility (rumoured to be GreeneStone) up in Muskoka cottage country.
Vatican to buy NBA franchise
Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi has sent a preliminary inquiry to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver about the possible purchase of the Los Angeles Clippers.
Proposal for CondomTO’s logos
Following successful campaigns in LA and New York, Toronto Public Health is launching CondomTO—a free limited edition condom that will be made available on June 4th at bars, clubs, hotels, gyms and clinics across the city.
Speech that inspires Marshfield to lift its ban on video games
Back in 1982 the town of Marshfield in Massachusetts banned coined operated video games.
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s Letter of Apology to Councilor Karen Stintz
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has allegedly gone to rehab after the most recent video of him smoking crack surfaced.