Tag: Toronto
Jones Fire
I try to imagine what Jones will remember of me. Sometimes, I wish I could construct his memories. The three of us are out in the woods. A perfect autumn day. Jones is beaming, amazed by everything, and Rachelle is the light that made him, brought all this into being, and I know that sounds…
Heidi Blog
Today I have given the Blog over to Heidi, our Miniature Dachshund ************************************ Heidi pretty old dog now. No longer run fastest in pack. No longer hear when hot dog fall in night. No longer smell fresh licorice opened three blocks away. Sometimes Heidi miss who she used to be. Sometimes Heidi even miss who…
Trump Dream
The Dream As told by Robert Dugger, 46: “I hate Donald Trump. I’ve always hated him. I find there to be absolutely nothing appealing about him. Not a thing. He’s a monster. A lizard monster. This has always been my disposition toward him. In my dream I was an invisible observer of him. Upon advice…
Jones tree
Jones is exhausted after school. Beneath his bright, yellow backpack he wobbles up the street. So small beneath his outsized potential. He scans the horizon for the ice cream truck but it is not there. Like the brave warrior he is, he brushes this disappointment aside. He will show me his tree, his favourite tree.…
Tropical Storm Dorian
As Tropical Storm Dorian transitions into a hurricane and tracks toward Florida, it’s worth noting that it used to be that the US only used female names for hurricanes. This changed in 1978, for obvious enough reasons, and both male and female names have been used in alternating fashion ever since. However, it is now…
Jones in the morning
The day is fresh and clean, so much lighter than yesterday. Jones is four now, and the clouds are high in the sky. White against blue, they are great island chains in an unknown ocean. They move quickly, shifting, rolling past the fading moon. Walking up the sidewalk, a lollipop in his mouth, Jones is…