Today I have given the Blog over to Heidi, our Miniature Dachshund
Heidi pretty old dog now.
No longer run fastest in pack.
No longer hear when hot dog fall in night.
No longer smell fresh licorice opened three blocks away.
Sometimes Heidi miss who she used to be.
Sometimes Heidi even miss who she could have been.
It true.
Heidi look out window and see lonely, wet leaves with no smell. One day Heidi be lonely, wet leaf with no smell. One day all of us lonely, wet leaves with no smell. So why can’t we all get along? Why everybody all yelling BAD DOG at one another?! Heidi no understand. But Heidi study Mindfulness and know to live in moment. Heidi brain a tool. Heidi master of tool. No need to dwell in past or in future, there is only now. Heidi live in moment.
Heidi would like Skittles in this moment.
Oh. Hold on.
Heidi now live in different moment.
Heidi was just scrolling through Twitter in Compulsion Loop and see hero dog.

This moment now belong to Heidi and her feelings about hero dog. Heidi still have the feelings. Lots of them. Very good feelings. Feelings that reach deep and good.
Heidi want some of hero dog sugar in her bowl.
Hero dog chase bad two-legger in tunnel, get electrocuted, but still keep focused, still alpha predator who dispense justice for America! Hero dog, Heidi like some of your justice. Heidi let you be barbarian at her gate. Heidi a patriot for you.
Now Heidi want Skittles and hero dog.
Heidi live in that moment now.