The information is paralyzing. For every theory or argument you hear, you can find a counter-factual thread that sounds entirely convincing. You might think that since most people won’t be exhibiting symptoms, let alone die, that you will walk through this invisible panic without any problem. You might be right, but it would go contrary to the experiences of China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and all the nations wobbling and tumbling in on themselves right now. If you believe in the public good, as many in my network so clearly do, then now is the time to exhibit that in the living world. Socially Distance yourself. Self-quarantine. Don’t go to that big thing. Work from home. Wash your hands. Be brave and do the difficult things. You’re not going to like it. None of us are. It’s going to be hard, very hard, but so many lives depend on this. I, for instance, have one damaged lung and live on oxygen support. If I get the virus, it is likely I won’t survive it, and depending on the timing and resources of our excellent health care system, might not even receive any treatment, as chances of recovery would be so slight. Every single person you see has some story like mine, something unpredictable and unimaginable that they have already gone through, and something unseen and brightly loved to still live for.