Constellation Jones

It feels like being swept along in a surging river. I reach out for rocks, pieces of information, something I can cling to, but I’m yanked from them almost immediately, submerged and spinning, swallowing water, and then for a moment my head pops up and I gasp for air, hoping to get my bearings and grab hold of a branch or something certain, but then I’m pulled along again, spiralling downstream….

This whole thing, this trek through the land of illness, has the definitive feel of an ancient Greek Odyssey, and I’ve come to believe that I’m on a hero’s quest.

comic achilles killing hector

Quietly, at dawn, as I’m wheeled down through the subterranean tunnels that connect the university hospitals, the porters serve as my guides.

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Their various languages flock overhead, the mysterious syllables disperse above me and it’s like they’re communicating a kind of weather instead of words. Descending into this unexplored dimension we pass creatures and topography as strange and wonderful as mythology, my porter/guides taking me on obscure missions where I must slay monsters, solve riddles and exhibit great feats of strength and determination in order to inch closer to my destiny, to my ultimate goal.

And somewhere past imagination, our son Jones pours through space. Laid bare to mystery, he carries messages and lessons from beyond. He hurtles through the firmament now, our meteor, cresting planets with a fierce, unstoppable purpose– he’s everywhere at once, multivalent. He’s assembling in slow wonder inside my wife, while I, caught in a terrestrial and mortal struggle, battle to be present, hurrying to be there to catch him, when like some sort of impossible star descending, he falls into our life.



13 responses to “Constellation Jones”

  1. Andrew Swift Avatar
    Andrew Swift

    Keep battling Michael. Strength to you.

  2. Michael Murray Avatar
    Michael Murray

    Thanks, Andrew!

  3. Michele Hornby Avatar
    Michele Hornby

    Hold on. May the force be with you

  4. KarenOh Avatar

    Oh, that is beautiful (as your writing and thoughts so often are). I hope that both meet each other in the very best of health.

  5. Classic and poignant.

  6. Beautifully expressed. Moving in its urgency & it humanity. Jones will be a lucky guy to have such a father.

  7. Michael Murray Avatar
    Michael Murray

    Thank you, folks, I take your strength, encouragement and kind words like the nourishing light it is.

  8. D. Mason Avatar
    D. Mason

    Strength and beauty Michael, you have them in spades.

  9. valerie dooley Avatar
    valerie dooley

    I thought of you and Rachel when I heard this song recently

    You both have an overabundance of love in your hearts – love will rule no matter what!

    And in the end, the love you take
    Is equal to the love you make

    The Beatles

  10. Hello new internet friend. It is strange how your words intermingle in my daily life. I am sending the mending vibrations that your beautiful personhood has summoned.


  11. Courage, Michael. It’s all going to work out. Thanks for the great post, above.
    xo Nyla

  12. Sheila Eagen Avatar
    Sheila Eagen

    Don’t know if you recall meeting me many years ago. I remember fondly a delicious roast beef dinner that you & Rachelle served that evening. Rachel has been keeping me updated about what has been going on with you. Thinking of you & Rachelle so much. ~ Sheila (Rachel’s mom)

  13. Karen Murray Avatar
    Karen Murray

    You made me cry at work (again!).