Tag: Drugs
The Prince
On Thursday a friend very generously provided me with an opportunity to meet the Prince of Denmark.
Tom Cruise
The movie Risky Business, which launched the from-this-point-forward-it-will-always-be-in-your-face career of Tom Cruise, came out in 1983.
The Skydome’s 100th Anniversary
The Roger’s Centre, the home of the Toronto Blue Jays and Toronto Argonauts, as well as serving as host to thousands of concerts, turned 100 on Tuesday.
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s Letter of Apology to Councilor Karen Stintz
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has allegedly gone to rehab after the most recent video of him smoking crack surfaced.
Text Messages from the Blackout
Last night while Rachelle was working late out in Scarborough, Toronto had another power outage.
From a Different Country
About a month ago, while in Ottawa visiting my family, I had a heart attack.