Tag: Health
My 75 year old mother participates in the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest
Having grown completely exasperated with the weekly New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest, I have asked my 75 year old mother if she would be so kind as to contribute.
What Hockey Means To People
The NHL hockey season has started, and so I went about asking some random people what their most immediate, vivid association with the game was.
My Mother’s Open Letter to Miley Cyrus
My mother is 75 years old and sternly disapproves of Miley Cyrus, and after being told of the online battle between her and Sinead O’Connor, my mother got even angrier and decided to write an Open Letter of her own to Miley.
Attempting Mindful Meditation
Many of you probably don’t know that I recently signed-up to take a course in the practice of Mindful Meditation.
A Partial Syllabus from Trump University
Last month New York’s attorney general sued Donald Trump for $40 million, claiming that Trump University was engaged in deception at every level of the educational experience it offered to it’s students.
A Sunday afternoon on Queen East in Toronto
She had a tattoo of a broken heart on her pale, beefy shoulder and she was screaming at her dog.