Tag: dogs
Heidi Blog–her search for family
Today I have given the Blog over to Heidi, our Miniature Dachshund.
Giving Away A Gift Basket
On Thursday I found myself in the rather unusual position of giving a gift basket to a homeless person.
The people you meet while walking a dog in the Annex
The other day while taking the dog for a walk, a woman stood beside us as we waited to cross Spadina.
Putting out a fire in Koreatown
While cycling through Koreatown the other day I spotted a garbage bin on Bloor Street that had smoke drifting out of it.
Post Secret for Animals
In the spirit of the popular web site Post Secret, where people send in postcards with their darkest secrets written on the back, I am creating a Post Secret for animals.
Walking through the Annex
Yesterday while walking the dog I came upon a very old woman sitting on the landscaped ledge of some property.